A man crying

Should Men Cry When In A Relationship?

The traditional view of masculinity often depicts men as tough and emotionless beings, who should suppress their feelings and never show any sign of vulnerability. This stereotype has influenced men’s behavior in many aspects of their lives, including their relationships. However, the idea that men should not cry or show emotions is a harmful one, and it can negatively impact both men and their partners. This article will explore whether men should cry when in a relationship.

The Importance Of Emotional Expression In Relationships

One of the most crucial aspects of any relationship is emotional connection. The ability to share and express one’s feelings is essential for building trust and intimacy between partners. Emotional expression allows partners to understand each other’s needs, fears, and desires, creating a stronger bond. However, for men, emotional expression is often seen as a weakness, and this can result in emotional disconnection and strain on the relationship.

When men refuse to cry or show their emotions, they may inadvertently send the message to their partners that they do not trust them or that they do not care enough to share their feelings. This can create a sense of emotional distance between partners and make it difficult to establish a deep emotional connection. Moreover, when men bottle up their emotions, they may experience negative consequences such as stress, anxiety, and depression.

The Stigma Around Men Crying

The stigma surrounding men crying is deeply rooted in cultural and societal expectations. Men are often taught from an early age that showing emotions is a sign of weakness, and they must always present themselves as strong and in control. This expectation is perpetuated by the media, which often portrays men as stoic and emotionless characters. As a result, men who cry or express their feelings are often perceived as weak, effeminate, or less masculine.

This stigma can make it difficult for men to express their emotions, even in the most intimate relationships. Men may fear that their partners will judge them negatively or see them as less desirable if they show vulnerability. Additionally, men may feel ashamed or embarrassed when they cry, which can further exacerbate their emotional distress.

The Benefits Of Crying In Relationships

Crying is a natural and healthy way to release emotions, and it can have several benefits in relationships. When men allow themselves to cry or express their emotions, they can experience a sense of relief and catharsis. This can help them process their feelings and gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their relationship. Additionally, crying can signal to their partners that they trust them and feel safe sharing their emotions, which can strengthen the bond between them.

Moreover, when men cry, it can encourage their partners to do the same, creating a safe space for emotional expression. This can help partners to understand each other better and build a more meaningful and fulfilling relationship. Furthermore, when men show vulnerability, it can challenge traditional gender roles and expectations, paving the way for more open and honest communication in the relationship.

Why Do Men Get Embarrassed When Crying In A Relationship?

Men may feel embarrassed when crying due to societal expectations and gender norms. From a young age, boys are often taught that expressing emotions, particularly those associated with vulnerability, is not masculine or appropriate. These societal messages can create shame and embarrassment when men do cry, as they may fear being perceived as weak or unmanly.

Men may feel embarrassed when crying because they fear being judged or misunderstood by others. They may worry that others will perceive their tears as a sign of weakness or that their emotions will be seen as inappropriate or excessive. This fear of judgment can lead to feelings of shame and embarrassment.

Moreover, men may have difficulty expressing their emotions verbally, leading them to rely on physical expressions like crying to convey their feelings. However, when they cry, they may feel exposed and vulnerable, which can be uncomfortable and difficult to manage.

It is essential to recognize that crying is a natural human response to emotions and should not be stigmatized or judged based on gender. It is okay for men to cry, and they should be encouraged to express their emotions in healthy and appropriate ways. Through education and encouragement, we can help to break down the societal barriers that create shame and embarrassment around men’s tears and foster a culture of emotional openness and acceptance.

6 Likely Reasons Men Might Cry

  1. Grief and Loss – Men may cry due to the loss of a loved one, whether it be a family member, friend, or even a pet. The death of someone close can be an extremely emotional and difficult experience, and it is natural to express those emotions through tears. Grief is a universal human emotion, and men should feel no shame in expressing it.
  2. Relationship Issues – Men may cry due to relationship issues, such as a breakup or divorce. These experiences can be heartbreaking, and it is normal to feel sad and upset. Men may also cry due to the breakdown of a friendship or other personal relationships. It is important to remember that expressing emotions can be a healthy way to process these experiences and move forward.
  3. Joy and Gratitude – Men may cry due to overwhelming feelings of joy and gratitude. Life is full of meaningful moments, such as the birth of a child, a wedding, or even achieving a long-term goal. These experiences can be so powerful and emotional that they move people to tears. Crying due to feelings of happiness or appreciation is a healthy and natural response and should not be seen as a sign of weakness. It is essential to express gratitude and enjoy life’s beautiful moments fully.
  4. Overwhelming Stress – Men may cry due to overwhelming stress from work, finances, or other responsibilities. Crying can be a release for the built-up tension, and it can be a healthy way to cope with the pressure. It is important to recognize when stress becomes too much and seek out ways to manage it, such as through exercise or talking to a therapist.
  5. Physical Pain – Men may cry due to physical pain, such as injuries or chronic conditions. Pain can be a difficult experience to endure, and crying can be a natural response to that discomfort. Men should not feel ashamed to cry due to physical pain, and it is important to seek medical help to manage any conditions that may be causing it.
  6. Mental Health Issues – Men may cry due to mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, or PTSD. These conditions can be debilitating and affect a person’s ability to cope with everyday life. Crying can be a release for pent-up emotions and can be a healthy way to cope with these feelings. It is essential to seek professional help if these issues are affecting your life.

The Mental Health Issues That Could Make Men Cry

There are many mental health issues that can cause a man to cry. Here are five different mental health issues that may lead to crying in men.


Depression is a mood disorder that can cause intense feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and despair. Men with depression may cry more frequently than usual, as crying can be a natural release for the overwhelming emotions they are experiencing. They may cry when they feel isolated, misunderstood, or unsupported, and may struggle to find pleasure in activities they once enjoyed.


Anxiety is a condition that causes excessive worry, fear, and nervousness. Men with anxiety may cry due to the overwhelming stress of their worries, which can trigger feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. They may cry when they feel like they are losing control or when faced with situations that cause panic or fear.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

PTSD is a condition that can occur after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event. Men with PTSD may cry when triggered by memories of the traumatic event, or when they feel overwhelmed by anxiety, fear, or anger. They may also cry due to the loss of a loved one, which can trigger memories of the trauma and feelings of grief.

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a condition that causes extreme mood swings, including periods of depression and periods of mania. Men with bipolar disorder may cry during depressive episodes when they feel sad, hopeless, and unmotivated. They may also cry during manic episodes when they feel overstimulated and overwhelmed.

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)

BPD is a personality disorder that causes intense emotions and unstable relationships. Men with BPD may cry frequently due to the intense emotions they experience, including anger, sadness, and anxiety. They may cry when they feel rejected, abandoned, or misunderstood, and may struggle with emotional regulation, leading to sudden outbursts of tears.


In conclusion, men should cry when in a relationship. The traditional view that men should suppress their emotions and never show vulnerability is a harmful one, and it can negatively impact both men and their partners. Emotional expression is essential for building trust and intimacy between partners, and when men refuse to cry or show their emotions, it can create emotional disconnection and strain on the relationship.

Crying can have several benefits in relationships, including promoting open communication, creating a safe space for emotional expression, and strengthening the bond between partners. It is time to challenge the stigma around men crying and embrace emotional expression as a vital aspect of healthy relationships.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it true that men cry less than women?

Research has shown that men do tend to cry less than women, although the difference is not as significant as many people believe. Some studies suggest that men cry an average of once per month, while women cry an average of 5-6 times per month.

Are men who cry considered weak or unmanly?

Unfortunately, there is still a stigma around men expressing emotions, including crying. This can lead to men feeling ashamed or embarrassed when they do cry. However, crying is a natural and healthy response to emotions, and it does not make a man weak or unmanly.

Why do men sometimes cry during movies or TV shows?

Men, like women, can become emotionally invested in characters and storylines. When a particularly poignant or touching moment occurs, it can trigger an emotional response that may include crying.

What should I do if I see a man crying?

If you see a man crying, it’s essential to offer support and empathy. This can include offering a comforting word or gesture, listening without judgment, and validating their emotions.

Can crying be a sign of depression in men?

Crying can be a symptom of depression in men, along with other symptoms such as feelings of sadness or hopelessness, fatigue, and changes in appetite or sleep patterns. If you are concerned about a man’s mental health, it’s important to encourage them to seek professional help.

Is it healthy for men to cry?

Yes, crying can be a healthy and cathartic way to release emotions and process difficult experiences. However, if a man is crying excessively or feels overwhelmed by their emotions, it may be a sign that they need additional support, such as therapy or counseling.

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